University College is a Home away from Home for all UAEU students and works closely with them to promote their academic success. For students just beginning at UAEU, the college offers university-wide and college-specific Admission Tests, along with test preparation support services, such as online courses and tutoring sessions. Besides testing services, the college provides all incoming students with First-Year Academic Advisors to ensure that they are well-informed about university requirements and the academic options available to them. The college is also hosting the university s General Education Program and delivers some of its core courses, such as the Introduction to Academic English, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Emirates Studies, etc..
University College also works in support of student success through its student learning centers. These centers provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students from all academic disciplines to practice and improve their communication and technological skills, and access academic support for hundreds of faculty classes. In addition, the college organizes university-wide events designed to facilitate student success and foster a strong sense of community across the UAEU campus. These include the Undergraduate Student Research Conference, the Academic Olympics, and other academically oriented competitions and activities.
Click on University College Goals and Activities for 2021-2023
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