Arabic Language Courses
Arabic - ARBU 150
ARBU 150 is a required course for all students admitted to the College of Law, regardless of their scores in EmSAT Exam.
This course prepares students for their major studies through the development of a variety of skills (writing, listening, speaking and reading).
In writing, the course seeks to develop writing skills, such as writing articles, prose, modernizing the method, reconceptualizing the translated text automatically, and the use of common grammatical methods.
In speaking: the course aims ability to participate in group discussions, read texts correctly, and to communicate orally with other, in order to share opinions through argumentation and evidence, and to develop improvisation skills.
The course includes a number of selective listening texts to develop student ability to understand the audio, and strengthen student affiliation to his country and nation. Moreover, the course includes a number of articles related to critical reading and reading comprehension, the ability to read aloud, and the enhance student affiliation to the UAE, while combining the originality and modernity. In addition, the course involves the use of modern technical devices in the process of learning and teaching.
*Arabic to Non-Arabic Speakers
All Arabic courses are no longer required for non-Arabic speakers
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