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United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) - Best University in Abu Dhabi, UAE


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Research and Innovation

Developing Innovative & Sustainable Solutions

UAEU's research focus is aimed at developing innovative and sustainable solutions to many of the challenges facing the UAE, the wider region and the international community today. The UAE has prioritized seven key area of strategic importance. These are renewable energy, transportation, education, health, technology, water resources and space exploration. This research focus contributes to the realization of the UAE 2021 vision where innovation, research, science and technology form the basis of a productive and competitive knowledge-based economy.

Research Highlights

UAEU researcher in collaboration with National University of Singapore examined the influence of climate risks on foreign direct investment inflows to emerging and developing economies
UAEU researcher in collaboration with National University of Singapore examined the influence of climate risks on foreign direct investment inflows to emerging and developing economies

Climate change is associated with a rise in global temperatures

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The United Arab Emirates University research team developed a novel technique for processing and recovering of bioactive molecules from date seeds in a more non-toxic and
The United Arab Emirates University research team developed a novel technique for processing and recovering of bioactive molecules from date seeds in a more non-toxic and

The date fruits are considered as a significantly important crop in the Arid

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Using ML and Graph Convolution Network Models to Identify At-Risk Students by Extracting Topological Features
Using ML and Graph Convolution Network Models to Identify At-Risk Students by Extracting Topological Features

The study "Extracting topological features to identify at-risk students using machine learning and graph convolutional network models"

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Spatial distribution of natural hazards and their proximity to heritage sites: Case of the United Arab Emirates
Spatial distribution of natural hazards and their proximity to heritage sites: Case of the United Arab Emirates

The UAE has heritage sites from the Bronze, Iron, and Islamic periods, reflecting the deep-rooted history of the nation. by M.M. Yagoub and Abdulla..

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Science and Innovation Park

The UAEU Science and Innovation Park aims to become globally recognized for its innovative environment and for helping to enhance the diversification of the UAE economy. It also aims to support a knowledge economy through scientific research and the commercialization of innovative new products. Additionally, the SIP will play a leading role in developing the next generation of leaders. 

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United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) - Best University in Abu Dhabi, UAE


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Aug 9, 2024