CurricuNET is a curriculum management system that allows UAEU to warehouse the final approved proposals, the decision history and subsequent versioning. CurricuNET will serve as the single-source for curriculum course and program information, historical, active and proposed.
The CurricuNET database serves as the source for information to generate the UAEU catalogue. And it has the following features:
A central repository for all program and course details, including goals, learning outcomes, curriculum, prerequisites, etc.
The currently approved information is stored in only one place and can easily be communicated through websites.
Curriculum details can be changed only after going through the appropriate approval process, which is enforced through the CurricuNET workflow process.
Administrators are able to retrieve curriculum details easily, to compare current practice in the classroom with what has been approved.
This institutional infrastructure is centrally managed and is robust, and does not depend on academic governance at College level being effective.
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