The Department of Computer and Network Engineering offers an innovative Computer Engineering undergraduate program to address current demands and future market needs in the UAE.
Computer Engineering is a field of study that encompasses the fundamental principles, methods, and modern tools for the design and implementation of computing systems. Computer engineers specialize in the analysis, design, implementation, verification, integration and application of programmable and/or reconfigurable computers/devices or computer-based systems. By understanding a computer system from top to bottom, from application software to operating systems, to hardware and circuits to networking and security, the computer engineers are well prepared to create the wide array of computing systems and devices that we all use and depend upon every day. In our computer engineering program, computing and network engineering courses are taught together, so you learn the fundamental ideas related to both fields. You can choose to specialize in either area to ensure that you are ready to work when you graduate.
As a computer engineer, you will create new opportunities for businesses by driving new technologies, and by devising engineering solutions to make the businesses more productive and competitive. You will also assist the businesses to design and develop new computer microprocessors or microcontroller-based products and systems, or embedded computer systems to enhance functionalities of existing communication, instrument, or automatic control products or systems, to meet ever-changing market needs and consumer demands. Our computer engineering graduates go on to have successful careers in industry, government, or pursue graduate studies.
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