Periodic Program Review
All academic programs offered by the UAEU (on-campus- off-campus, and online) are monitored on a regular basis using several performance indicators and tools.
The collected data are divided into the following four profiles:
- Faculty size
- Turnover
- Teaching workload
- Annual Evaluation
- Number of Scopus publications
- Number of Scopus publications per faculty
- Percentage of publishing faculty
- Number of citations
- Number of citations per paper
- Field Weighted Citation Impact
- Number of publications in top 1%, 5%, and 10%
- Number of internal and external research grants
- Number of filed and granted patents.
National and international accreditation
Enrollment per gender and nationality
Admission per gender and nationality
Fall to fall retention, and attrition rates.
Cohort attrition, retention, and graduation rates
Annual graduation per gender
Employment rate
Median time to graduation
Average attempted and earned credit hours.
Number of credit hours attempted till graduation.
Student satisfaction
Program learning outcomes assessment.
- Number of offered graduate courses and sections.
- Number of offered undergraduate major courses and sections.
- Number of offered General Education courses and sections.
- Average and maximum class size
- Generated credit hours per department
- Average generated credit hours per faculty
- Student evaluation of teaching
- Class average grade point
- Course learning outcomes assessment
- Student to Faculty Ratio
The latest performance indicators are published each semester, when applicable, by the OIE through the University Program Review and Accreditation Management System (PRAMS). PRAMS provides infographics to benchmark the provided indicators with collected college and university statistics.
The internal program review process is a three-years process that starts by analyzing the latest indicators published in LOAMS. Department chairs and program coordinators are required to provide analysis remarks for each indicator explaining the reasons that lead to the developing positive and negative trends. The Dept. Chair is also required to develop a performance improvement plan (PIP) to address any identified deficiencies during the analysis phase. The created PIP is then submitted through the system to the College Dean for review and approval, as the implementation of the PIP might require human and financial resources (e.g., hiring faculty, purchasing of lab equipment, etc.).
The Dept. Chair has one academic year to complete the analysis of the performance indicators, and the development and approval of the PIP. The following two academic years are devoted to implementing the PIP and measuring its impact on the performance indicators. During the period, the Dept. Chair is responsible for submitting a progress report showing the actions that have been taken toward the implementation of each remedial actions, the entities and resources utilized, and the results monitored before and after the implementation.
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