Professional Development Programs
The Continuing Education Center (CEC) offers a variety of modern certified courses. In addition to all the courses being accredited from UAEU, The Continuing Education Center (CEC) offers training courses that are accredited from many international accreditation institutions such as the British Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), and Project Management Institute (PMI). CEC intends to prepare and execute managerial and scientific programs of different levels to comply with the government, vocational and private sector organizational requirements. In addition to that, CEC carry out social, humanitarian and educational training programs to the wider community. CEC facilitates legal courses about subjects of human, personal status law, women and children rights.
CEC cooperates and coordinates with the government and private sectors to study and evaluate their training needs in order to execute training programs that fit their needs. CEC is highly experienced in providing training consultations, producing and accrediting training materials.
Professional Development Programs fields:
- Human resources
- Management and supervision
- Accounting and finance
- Sales and marketing
- Customer service
- Procurements and contracts
- Soft skills
- Psychological
- Social
- Special education
- Educational
- Culture and history
- Law and security
- Science and technology
- Engineer
- Agriculture and food
- Science
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