Due to the huge volumes of data generated from web query logs, social media, surveillance cameras, satellites, sensors, and medical devices, there has been a paradigm shift in the way data is used and interpreted. As a group, we are focusing on mining data for patterns and trends that lead to new research contributions. Our objective is to derive knowledge from large heterogeneous datasets to help in decision making and automation. The primary research interest of the DSG is to address the challenges associated with new architectures and solutions such as Hadoop Technology, to develop novel data mining solutions, which allows for the discovery of patterns and to visualize data in order to support decision-making. We have adopted an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates techniques from artificial intelligence, machine learning, database management, pattern recognition and statistics. We are interested in several domains, such as bioinformatics and health, education, social networks, energy, marketing optimization, image and video analytics, fraud detection and business intelligence.
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