Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
Proscribed Conduct
The following offenses constitute violations of the Student Code of Conduct and can lead to serious disciplinary action:
Plagiarism is an academic offense, and is defined as follows at UAEU: “Plagiarism is deliberately presenting another person’s work as your own, without acknowledgement.
Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Using the work of someone else or changing some words and keeping the same structure and the same meaning without noting the source(s) and submitting it as your own work.
- Taking text from many other sources and putting the pieces together as one document and submitting it as your own work without noting the source(s).
- Downloading information, pictures or charts from the Internet and inserting that material into your own document and submitting it as your own work without noting the source(s).”
- At UAEU, penalties for student misconduct, which includes plagiarism, are explained in the university By-laws (Nos. 136-146) and repeated in the Student Affairs Deanship Policies and Procedures (2-2). Penalties range from a formal letter of warning kept on file; suspension from a course or from the university; exclusion from taking the final examination; dismissal from the university; and the withdrawal of a previously awarded degree.
- Cases of plagiarism are referred by a College to the Provost, who refers them to the university-wide Student Disciplinary Committee. This committee gathers evidence, adjudicates, and reports the outcomes of the cases back to the Provost. Included in the evidence collected by the committee should be any record of a student’s prior offence(s) in the same or other Colleges. The Provost, in turn, reports the result to the Enrollment Deanship and respective College(s) to give effect to the penalty and record it on the student’s record.
Acts of Dishonesty
These include:
- Cheating, plagiarism or other breaches of academic integrity, such as fabrication, facilitating or aiding academic dishonesty; theft of instructional materials or tests; unauthorized access to or manipulation of laboratory equipment or experiments; alteration of grades or files; misuse of research data in reporting results; use of personal relationships to gain grades or favors, or otherwise attempting to obtain grades or credit through fraudulent means.
- Knowingly furnishing false information to any University official, faculty member or office.
- Forgery, alteration or misuse of University documents, records, instruments of identification, computer programs, or accounts.
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