In past corps used to have very high-end physical computers running only a small subset of an application and wasting all the remaining resources for nothing. Applications were not designed or tuned to be consolidated on one physical box. Later the concept of hosting multiple operating systems on one physical machine introduced and that is what called “Virtualization”.
- In current era, almost every other application and hardware vendors are supporting this approach, and in fact, UAEU was one of those early adopters of this technology and started consolidating all of Services to less number of physical machines. Consolidating application and servers have the added benefit of reducing energy consumption.
- In UAEU, a typical server runs at 425W and on average estimates, a server consolidation ratio in UAEU is 10:1.
- Virtualization is assisting in distribution of workloads so that servers will be busy as per demand or enter in a low-power sleep state. UAEU has seen an approximate 70% reduction of energy cost and at the same time improved the service levels because of the easy management of virtualization loads.
Efforts of being green IT does not end here only, instead we have a target to migrate almost all physical workloads to virtualize infrastructure. This in fact will dramatically reduce the carbon emission and subsequently will shrink the energy bills.
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