Green Data Center
The continued thirst for energy is a recurring story in news headlines every day and it is commonly kno wn that IT Data centers in any corporate are the real energy hogs and are big burden on the environment. Every organization has planned or started to make this highly red area to be green. UAEU is proud to mention that our Data Centers are built and maintained on the grounds of having efficient usage of available systems, power and cooling which definitely have a positive impact on the environment. Energy efficient data center design should address all of the energy use aspects included in data center, from the IT equipment to the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning) equipment to the actual location, configuration and construction of the building.
- UAEU central data center is completely designed to be more energy efficient with minimum stress on environment. Power and cooling infrastructure is based on most sophisticatedly chosen, green certified hardware. Current data centers, which are hosted in “College of IT” building, have “InRow Cooling” technology that eliminates the use of heavy-duty HVAC units. InRow cooling units draws only 25% of the energy-required compare to other solutions.
- Another difference lies in the efficient design of the fans, which are variable in speed according to the produced heat in data center. This takes about 30% less space in terms of physical footprint.
- Data center infrastructure hardware is intelligent enough to manage power usage as per demand.
- Following the green roadmap, UAEU is in process to reduce IT hardware footprint further by migrating to Server Blades, this will save a lot of space compare to convention server hardware, accordingly power and cooling requirements in Data center with better manageability and monitoring of infrastructure.
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