Simulated Patient Program
Our Simulated Patient (SP) program is an essential component of the center, supporting clinical skills teaching at various levels within our curriculum. The program involves volunteers who role-play medical cases, enabling students to develop skills in medical communication, history taking, and physical examination in a realistic environment. We take great pride in working with our dedicated and experienced simulated patients, who are valued members of our team. SPs participate in a range of clinical teaching sessions, including history taking, counseling practice, physical examination, providing constructive feedback to students, and assisting in the assessment of learners at all levels of medical education.
Each year, we welcome new SPs to our program. If you are interested in joining as an SP, please don’t hesitate to contact us. More information is available in our SP program manual, which you can download here.
Who can be a Simulated Patient?
A Simulated Patient, sometimes referred to as a standardized or simulated participant, is a human role player who interacts with learners during experiential learning and assessments. SPs portray various patient roles, including physical, symptomatic, emotional, and behavioral aspects, to create a realistic and effective learning experience.
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