Frequently Asked Questions
- Can my internship reflect my potential to future employers?
Your behavior and performance during the internship will reflect your potential to future employers, impact future prospects, and strengthen CIT visibility in the marketplace. So take the internship seriously! Ultimately, the success of the internship is up to you.
- What should I do before starting my internship?
Before starting your internship make sure to call your company before the start of your training program to ensure that your training starts on time. Follow with the company’s working hours and inform your supervisor about the applied assessment tools
- What are some tips that could help me with the internship?
There are many things you could do to enhance your internship experience some include: being innovative and taking initiatives, maintaining good and professional working relations with co-workers, keeping a journal and making sure it’s clear and informative, and making sure to listen carefully when something is explained to you or when given instructions.
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