Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- UAEU Alumni Professionals (KHIBRA) Members
Thank you for exploring the possibility of participating in the UAEU Alumni Professionals program (KHIBRA). This program is intended for UAEU alumni with job experience, active employees, or retired.
Your field of experience and amassing of expertise are precious for the community and your University. Our objective in this program is to invite you to share your know-how and volunteer to design and conduct training and workshops for the university students, the faculty, and the community in general.
For this purpose, we aim to build up a database of professionals and subjects and publish a catalog of training courses and workshops for the university students and the community to select.
- Who can participate in KHIBRA?
UAEU alumni who have three years of experience and interested in volunteering and participating in the KHIBRA program can fill the engagement form and send it to
- How are KHIBRA members selected?
Most of the applicants who have three years of experience and willing to be volunteers of KHIBRA can be members.
Upon receiving the KHIBRA engagement form, the KHIBRA Steering Committee will validate the submission per the experience, the candidate's competency, and availability.
Steering Committee will notify the selected candidate, and further details of the discipline will be requested to finalize designing the training or workshop.
The next step will be to publish an online catalog with a candidate profile, training subject, and university colleagues' timing to select.
- What do KHIBRA members do?
Each member is requested to design and deliver training, lectures, or workshops of his choice in his field of expertise for the UAE university students and the community. This training to be planned during the year so that colleges can integrate them into their programs.
- Locations of training?
Concerning the COVID-19 pandemic precocious, most of the lectures will be virtual at the moment. If the instructions allow, the training and workshops can be delivered face-to-face or in presence at the UAE University in Al Ain or per the community's host request. The University or the host will provide the necessary logistics if needed.
- Benefits for the KHIBRA members?
Being UAEU alumni, you enjoy all the benefits available for the university alumnus. We are working with various entities to enrich your sharing time by different means of appreciation that will be announced in due time.
We understand and are thankful for your far sight vision to share your knowledge in training and support the young generation as part of your gratitude to your University and the community.
The UAEU University values your knowledge field of expertise, which is essential to enhance university programs and be more adaptive to the industry and public needs.
As a volunteer's initiative, there will be no remunerations involved. However, you will be considered the university associate and can have the KHIBRA Professional Trainer's title while you are delivering your service in the KHIBRA scheme.
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