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Decentering Whiteness in gifted education: Addressing the needs of the gifted “Others” through social justice and culturally responsive pedagogies.

Decentering Whiteness in gifted education: Addressing the needs of the gifted “Others” through social justice and culturally responsive pedagogies.

Wed, 27 April 2022
United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) - Top Universities in Middle East

Peters (2021, this issue) article addresses the arguably most pressing issue in gifted education to date: achieving equity among the disadvantaged gifted, whom Peters identified as Black, Latinx, and Native Americans; students with special educational needs and/or served through English language learner programs; and/or coming from low-income households. Moreover, Peters pointed out that there are some students from Asian (of Chinese and Korean ethnicity) and White racial groups who are overrepresented in gifted and talented (G & T) programs.

United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) - Best University in Abu Dhabi, UAE


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