The United Arab Emirates University launches the "Universities Challenge 2024" to promote innovation in government communication

Tue, 3 September 2024






The United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) has launched the "Universities Challenge 2024" as part of the pre-event activities for the International Government Communication Forum 2024(IGCF). The challenge aims to foster innovation and creativity in the field of government communication, with 24 teams from 18 local and international universities participating. The student teams will compete by presenting innovative and practical solutions to various challenges in content creation.

The judging panel is chaired by Dr. Heba Allah Elsamry, Dean of the College of Media and Public Relations at Nahda University in Egypt, alongside media figure Abdullah Ismail, a presenter at Dubai Media Incorporated, and Marwan Al Shehhi, an engineer and content creator. They will evaluate the student entries based on strict criteria focusing on creativity, impact, and feasibility.

In this context, Dr. Heba Allah Elsamry expressed her optimism about the quality of the submissions, stating: "Seeing these innovative ideas from students is a testament to their creativity and ability to deliver outstanding projects in content creation. We are excited to see the outcomes and the impact these ideas will have."

The top three teams of the "Universities Challenge 2024" will be announced on Thursday during the closing ceremony of the forum.


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