Launching "Virtual Reading Corner" and lecture ‎discussing reading and media in a changing world

Mon, 6 June 2022
United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) - Top Universities in Middle East

Within the activities of the UAEU Reading Month

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences at the United Arab Emirates University organized a lecture ‎‎ Reading and Media in a Changing World within the activities of the Reading Month, in participation of Dr. Ahmed Al-Mansoori and Dr. Khalaf Al-Tahat from the Department of Media and Creative Industries‏.‏

Head of the Media and Creative Industries Department, Dr. Ahmed Al-Mansoori, said: "In light of the rapid technological developments that have left their print on the media scene, specifically the production of quality media content that respects people's minds, media students need to acquire basic skills today: reading, following-up, and smart selection of content‏.‏

Dr. Khalaf Al-Tahat pointed out that today's media professionals are required to exert greater effort to protect serious media content that serves the interests of the public by providing multi-source and balanced information media materials that respect people's minds and do not allow rumors to pass and stop misleading information that disrupt the energies and efforts of governments. He also added that continuous reviewing, exploring, and reading of new products are the most important tools for maintaining the quality of performance and distinguishing the media from the non-media in an open space in which there is a total disorder in the production of information‏.‏

The Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences launched a ‎‎"virtual reading corner" to coincide with the activities of the UAE Reading Month‏.‏

Head of the department, Prof. Saif Al Mahrouqi, said: Believing in the importance of reading in upgrading the culture of the individual and society, the idea of the virtual reading corner came in line with current events in light of the pandemic and transition to the virtual world. He added, ‎‎"Through the "virtual reading corner", we will publish a book that is nominated by the public, by summarizing and highlighting its value and benefit for the reader on a weekly basis‏."‏

Supervisor of the Dhad Club in the Department of Arabic Language, Dr. Ghanima Al-Yamahi, said that the virtual reading corner is a means of communication between the audience and writers in a life in which the individual spends most of time browsing social media, internet sites or YouTube videos. She said: We will learn through this initiative the number of readers and the content of their readings, and benefit from their opinions and impressions about the offered books‏.‏


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