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The United Arab Emirates University organizes a training workshop on intellectual property rights and patents

The United Arab Emirates University organizes a training workshop on intellectual property rights and patents

Mon, 6 June 2022
United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) - Top Universities in Middle East

The Research and Graduate Studies Department at the United Arab Emirates University organized a workshop on intellectual property protection run by David Dogert, Legal Counsel in the US Office of Legal Counsel for Intellectual Property and Patents, on Sunday 15th of February, 2015. It was held in the business center in the crescent building on the Al Ain campus.

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Dr. Ghaleb Ali Al Hadrami, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies, said that this workshop is part of the UAE Government’s efforts to make 2015 a year of innovation as announced at the third Government Summit. UAEU continues to contribute towards finding solutions to the research challenges that face the UAE. This requires a focus on research and innovation. In particular UAEU seeks to build a strong research base leading to sustainable progress and development.

Dr. Ghaleb Ali Al Hadrami further stressed the university administration’s aim to protect the rights of innovators and researchers amongst the faculty and student body by maintaining sound legal procedures to protect intellectual property. These procedures are compatible with international standards in this regard.

David Dogert discussed the fundamentals of intellectual property rights. These principles protect the basic concept of the product first, and its commercial marketing potential second. He noted the importance of protecting and encouraging new ideas and innovation as a major benefit to society. Something that is strengthened by applying international patent law.

United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) - Best University in Abu Dhabi, UAE


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