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Department of Physiology


Welcome to the Department of Physiology at the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, UAE University. Our department is dedicated to providing the essential medical knowledge that forms the foundation for understanding the human body's normal functions and the disruptions that lead to disease. Our mission is to prepare future physicians who are not only knowledgeable and skilled in clinical practice but also possess a deep understanding of physiological and pathophysiological processes. 

The Core of Medical Knowledge: Physiology and pathophysiology are crucial to medical education. Physiology helps students understand the intricate workings of the body, from cellular activities to the functions of complex systems. Pathophysiology builds on this by examining the dysfunctions that result in disease. Together, they form the bedrock of clinical practice, enabling future physicians to diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses with a comprehensive understanding of the body's mechanisms. 

Our Vision: We envision our department as a leader in medical education and research, shaping future physicians who excel in both knowledge and practice. Our goal is to inspire students to become lifelong learners, innovative researchers, and compassionate clinicians. We strive to cultivate a generation of doctors who are equipped with the skills and knowledge to drive advancements in medicine and improve patient care. 

Innovative Education: Our educational approach emphasizes active learning and critical thinking. We incorporate a variety of teaching methods, including interactive lectures, practical lab sessions, and collaborative projects. Our curriculum integrates modern technology to provide students with a hands-on experience that prepares them for real-world medical challenges. By engaging students in problem-solving and critical analysis, we foster a deep understanding of physiological principles and their applications in clinical practice. 

Collaborative Research: Research is a cornerstone of our department. Our faculty members lead pioneering studies in areas such as cardiovascular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal health, neurological and metabolic diseases. We promote a collaborative research environment where students are encouraged to participate in ongoing projects. This hands-on research experience helps students develop critical thinking skills and contributes to the advancement of medical science. 

Empowering Future Physicians: We are dedicated to empowering our students to become leaders in the medical field. Through rigorous training and mentorship, we prepare them to tackle complex medical challenges, innovate in their practice, and improve patient outcomes. We focus on developing not only their clinical skills but also their ethical and compassionate approach to patient care. 

The success of our graduates and their achievements in various medical fields are a testament to the excellence of our educational and research programs. They embody the values and skills fostered by our department, making significant contributions to the local and regional medical community. 

Welcome to the Department of Physiology – where education, research, and a commitment to cultivating future medical leaders converge to shape the future of medical education, research, and healthcare. Join us in our journey to understand the complexities of the human body and make a meaningful impact on human health and well-being. 


The Department of Physiology plays a crucial role in delivering the Doctor of Medicine, MD program from Year 1 to Year 4, contributing significantly to students' foundational understanding of human physiology and its clinical applications. Teaching modalities include lectures, problem-based learning, computer-based learning, team-based learning, and practical classes.

In the premedical sciences course, we provide a comprehensive introduction to human physiology, covering key systems such as cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine, and nervous systems, as well as integrative physiology.

Moving into the preclinical sciences course, our department continues to enrich students' knowledge with classes focusing on hematology, mechanisms of malignancy, and various physiological modules including cardiovascular, respiratory, renal and urogenital, gastrointestinal, endocrine and metabolism, musculoskeletal, neurosciences, and special senses. Through these courses, we aim to equip future physicians with a solid understanding of physiological principles essential for clinical practice.

In addition to its role in undergraduate medical education, the Department of Physiology offers a diverse array of courses in the Master of Medical Sciences and PhD in Biomedical Sciences programs. These courses encompass advanced physiology topics alongside specialized fields such as cancer biology and advanced electrophysiology. By providing a comprehensive curriculum, our department aims to nurture the next generation of researchers and clinicians with the expertise necessary to tackle complex physiological challenges and advance biomedical knowledge.


Research Methodology Platforms: 

The Department of Physiology at CMHS, UAE University, prides itself on a diverse array of research platforms that are unique in the region and open for collaborative projects. Our methodological capabilities include: 

  • Electrophysiology and Neurophysiology: We study electrical activity in the nervous system and other tissues using both invasive and non-invasive techniques.
  • Molecular Techniques: Our facilities are equipped for advanced molecular biology, including PCR, Western blotting, and gene editing, enabling us to investigate the molecular basis of physiological processes and diseases.
  • Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation: Techniques such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) are used to study and potentially treat neurological disorders.
  • Imaging Techniques: We utilize advanced imaging modalities like MRI and confocal microscopy to visualize structures and functions at both macroscopic and microscopic levels.
  • Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering: Our research includes culturing cells and engineering tissues to model diseases and test potential therapies.
  • Biochemical Analysis: Our collaborative facilities allow for detailed studies of metabolic pathways, enzyme activities, and other biochemical phenomena.
  • Behavioral and Cognitive Testing: We assess the impacts of various physiological and pathophysiological conditions on behavior and cognition.

Our department encourages collaboration both within our university and with external partners, enhancing the scope and impact of our research. 

Research Clusters and Key Areas: 

  1. Diabetes and Cardiovascular Health:
  • Focuses on understanding the relationship between diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, aiming to uncover mechanisms and develop new therapeutic strategies.
  1. Calcium Signaling:
  • Investigates the role of calcium ions in cellular excitability and communication, with implications for muscle function, neurological disorders, and cellular signaling pathways.
  1. Neuroscience:
  • Researches brain function, neural circuitry, and plasticity to advance knowledge in areas such as cognitive processes, neurodegenerative diseases, food cravings, and brain health.
  1. Gastrointestinal and Uterine Electrophysiology:
  • Examines the electrical properties of the gastrointestinal tract and uterine muscles, aiming to better understand motility disorders and reproductive health.
  1. Cancer and Environmental Interactions:
  • Explores how environmental factors like air pollution influence cancer development and progression, seeking to identify molecular mechanisms and preventive strategies.
  1. Pathophysiology:
  • Focuses on understanding disease mechanisms and their impact on physiological functions to develop potential interventions.
  1. Ion Channels in Health and Disease:
  • Studies the role of ion channels in maintaining cellular homeostasis and their dysregulation in diseases, aiming to develop targeted therapies.
  1. Novel Phytochemicals:
  • Investigates the therapeutic potential of phytochemicals in preventing and treating inflammation-driven diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and neurodegenerative conditions.

We prioritize impactful and meaningful research, ensuring that our work has a significant and lasting effect on the global medical community. Through a broad and interdisciplinary approach, the Department of Physiology continues to make meaningful contributions to medical science and human health. 

For detailed information on individual faculty members and their research profiles, please visit our Department of Physiology page. 


Note: If calling from outside the UAEU organization, dial (+971 3 713) before the extension.

Name Position Email Extension
Prof. Milos Ljubisavljevic Professor and Chair 7707
Prof. Abderrahim Nemmar Professor 7533
Prof. Anatoliy Shmygol Professor 7535
Prof. Frank C. Howarth Professor 7536
Prof. Mauro Pessia Professor 7352
Dr. Sandeep B. Subramanya Associate Professor 7534
Dr. Abdulla S. Kazim Assistant Professor 7523


Note: If calling from outside the UAEU organization, dial (+971 3 713) before the extension.

Name Position Email Extension
Dr.Balaji Venkataraman Medical Research Specialist I 7609
Ms Fatima Al Dhaheri Medical Research Specialist 7667
Mr. Gilles Marcel Paul Marie Medical Research Specialist I 7407
Ms. Sumaya B. Anakkaru Medical Research Specialist I 7610

General Enquiries

Thank you for your interest in the Physiology Department. We welcome your query and encourage you to contact us using the information below:

United Arab Emirates University, College of Medicine and Health Sciences

P.O.Box: 15551, Al Ain, UAE

Email :

United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) - Best University in Abu Dhabi, UAE


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Jun 13, 2024