Ph.D. Scholarships by the National Space Science and Technology Center for UAE nationals
- Assimilation of EMM-Hope and Mars lander observations into high-resolution mesoscale and local models
- Building and analyzing comprehensive Mars dust storm databases from 1 Martian Year of EMM observations
- Mapping the spatiotemporal changes in the vegetation cover of UAE
- Mapping the spatiotemporal Land Use/Land Cover changes over the UAE coastline
- Tunable SAR based system
- Modeling the electric field induced by charged dust particles on Mars
- Radio Studies of Low-mass, Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei
- Observational Studies and Imaging of Transient Sources using Phased Array Radio Telescopes
- Design and Development of a System to Track the Resident Space Objects Visible from the UAE.
- Light Pollution: A groundbased measurement campaign and research in synergy with satellite data
- Dynamics of Jupiter's polar cyclones
- Jupiter's stratospheric dynamics and links with the troposphere
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