Core Programs
Startup Program
Entrepreneurial development program to validate product ideas, develop a working prototype or model, engage with potential customers, and pitch to judges and potential investors. This program is integral in providing local startups with the assistance they need to take their ideas to the next level.
Scale Up Program
Action-oriented program that focuses on how to successfully "Manufacture Start-up Success".
A program that supports early-stage start-ups through a process of intense, rapid, and immersive training and coaching aimed at accelerating the life cycle of young innovative start-ups, compressing years’ worth of learning-by-doing into just 12 weeks. Through this program the startups are provided with the necessary local financial assistance and guidance needed to maintain their businesses after receiving their seed funds.
Challenge for Innovation - C4I
Annual training program that provides participants with knowledge and skills to write and pitch a business plan in one week.
It is a unique chance educate the applicants about the business environment, innovation culture and entrepreneurship. In addition, Challenge for Innovation will help applicants developing skills and competences much needed for their professional fulfilment, such as problem solving, critical thinking, teamwork, autonomy, creativity, written and oral communication.
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