Optimal Design and Real-Time Control of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Adaptive Energy Management and Non-Linear State Feedback Control Schemes
Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered the ultimate solution for a sustainable transportation alternative to reduce the global warming and energy crisis. To administer the same performance as compared to modern fossil fuel-based vehicles, hybridization of multiple energy sources is significant for EVs. The major concerns regarding multi-source EVs are optimal sizing of individual sources and the power flow control from hybridized sources using appropriate converter topology, controllers, and energy management systems. Besides, the optimum sizing of EVs is relevant to producing an EV system with low capital cost, low source weight, and reduced deterioration of energy sources. Therefore, a novel sizing algorithm is recommended in this work with an adaptive energy management strategy (AEMS) which ensures the operation of sources at optimum efficiency region for increased efficiency and long life of the EV energy system. The first contribution of this project is to develop an AEMS after investigating distinct energy source characteristics and their dynamic behavior. Using this AEMS and an improved multi-objective heuristic optimization technique, an improved sizing algorithm for hybrid energy sources is proposed to meet the modern vehicle specification particularly, driving range, acceleration, and maximum velocity. The next objective is to design the EV power train control model with multiple sources, AEMS, and a traction motor. For this purpose, a real time test bench hardware model will be developed with a satisfactory non-linear controller and power electronic drives. The performance of the proposed AEMS will be validated by correlating the rating of EV energy sources with the latest energy management techniques applied in the literature. The behavior of the multi-source control model will be verified by analyzing the efficiency to follow the speed and load torque requirements for distinct drive cycles. This project supports the UAE’s green mobility goal and contributes substantially to the global sustainability effort.
- Dr. Hussain Shareef, Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering, UAE University
- Assistant Prof. Dr. Rachid Errouissi, Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering, College of Engineering, UAE University
- Roopa Viswadev Damodaran, Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering, College ofEngineering, UAE University
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