Student Clubs
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences has 8 students clubs
The Arabic Language Club (Al-Dad Club) was founded in 2014 by a selected number of qualified female Arab Students. It falls under the Arabic language department, which is supervised by the assistant professor in the Arabic language department Dr.Ghanima Al-Yamahe.
The Geography Club was established by the Department of Geography & Urban Planning in October 2010 under the supervision of Dr. Naima Al-Hosani.
The Political Science’s Student Club’s mission is to create an open environment for students to engage in professional and personal growth. You will need to be registered in the Political Science program to join the club. To register please contact:
The 'Readers' Club' recommends and discusses literary texts. We organize events to promote reading. This is in line with both the 'Year of Reading' and the 'Month of Reading' (March). Students also share their own writing since the act of writing is intimately linked to reading. Two students honored by the University Writing Center as 'Writers of the Month' were members of our club: Salha Zain and Alyazia Al Blooshi (current 'Readers' Club' president) respectively. Our motto is 'Read to Lead'. You can contact the club supervisor (Ms. Mary Donnenworth) To register please contact:
The Student Translation Club is a small community that aims to enhance your skills as you engage in activities related to Translation Studies. We hold workshops, translation events and competitions, etc. Our main goal is to promote the role of translation in UAE society and familiarize students with the world of translation. The Student Translation Club is open to every student with a passion for translation. To register please contact:
The German Club (Guttenberg) is a small community for UAEU undergraduate students interested in German language and culture. The club organizes events throughout the semester to promote an understanding of German culture and it provides opportunities for students to practice German in a relaxed and friendly environment. To register please contact:
The French Club is open to all UAEU students with an interest in learning the French language, especially those taking the minor in French. The club aims to provide a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for its members as they communicate and learn about French language and culture along with other students and teachers. It also aims to add to members’ academic experience with extra-curricular activities that combine learning and enjoyment. These activities include educational trips, competitions, exhibitions and plays. To register please contact:
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