Department Course
Introduction to Heritage & Culture (HSR120)
This is an interdisciplinary course which integrates various ideas or themes from a variety of disciplines such as literature (Arabic and English), philosophy, history, art history, archeology, geography and cultural anthropology. The majority of materials and assignments will focus upon critical reading, reviews and discussions, thematic or chronological progressions. The course content will reflect upon unique and varied perspectives from a variety of sources such as Mediterranean, Middle Eastern/Arabic and Gulf regions and the importance and role that history and culture serves in fostering and understanding scholarly endeavors by previous generations and cultures. The focus will be primarily upon reading and writing skills, critical thinking, analytical criticism and group projects and research.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Be aware of aesthetic principles in Heritage and Culture
- Demonstrate ability to analyze cultures and heritage of art both contemporary and historical
- Recognize and execute the formal elements and principles of Heritage and Culture
- Develop works that demonstrate also personal expression
- Broaden the space of Cultural investigation through the knowledge of different Cultures and Heritages
Introduction to Language & Communication (HSR130)
This course covers the forms and functions of human communication and media in society. Students enrolled in the course learn the basic concepts of language, linguistics, translation, and media through an interdisciplinary perspective. It covers first and second language learning, the branches of linguistics, the relationships between languages, verbal and non-verbal communication, the nature of persuasion and the forms of translation. This course also makes students aware of the interrelationships within various disciplines in humanities and social sciences and informs them about their choice of majors.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain how language is acquired, what linguistics studies, how languages form families, and how writing evolved and changed society
- Recognize the components of communication, the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication, and the uses of non-verbal communication
- Analyze interpersonal, direct interpersonal, mediated interpersonal, and cross-cultural modes of communication
- Describe accurately the role and elements of mass communication and the classifications of mass media
- Explain the basic translation terms, problems encountered in translation and the criteria used to evaluate the quality of a translation
- Demonstrate good understanding of a topic of their choice related to one of the themes of the course
Introduction to Society & Behavior (HSR140)
This course covers the basic concepts and purposes of Psychology, Sociology, Social Work, and Human Services and Counseling. This course will provide definitions of these four areas, their fields of inquiry, and their roles in studying and addressing behavioral and societal issues. The primary goal of this course is to enable students to recognize the uniqueness of each of the four areas and to appreciate how they interrelate and complement each other in approaching and resolving behavioral and societal problems.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Choose one discipline from the four disciplines
- Describe Sociology, Psychology, Human Services and Counseling, and Social Work
- Evaluate the major perspectives, specialization areas, of Sociology, Psychology, Human Services and Counseling, and Social Work
- Understand the types and the nature of the careers in each of the four disciplines
Introduction to Government Policy & Urban Structures (HSR150)
This interdisciplinary course combines concepts, ideas, and theories from Geography, Political Science, and Urban Planning. The course interactively addresses a series of topics relevant to the above mentioned disciplines, and aims to help students comprehend the intricacies and essentials of some contemporary human phenomena. The selected topics include government, leadership, human environment interaction and urban planning.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify and describe basic concepts and definitions related to political science, geography and urban planning
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of concepts and issues related to political science, geography, and urban planning
- Analyze basic concepts and issues related to political science, geography and urban planning
- Interpret issues related to political science, geography and urban planning
- Determine problems, challenges and solutions related to political science, geography and urban planning
Emirates Studies (HSS105)
This course seeks to establish the national belonging and appreciation of the UAE national achievements through educating students on the key social aspects of the Emirates society, basic values and its inheritance, offering studies in various and significant studies that are relevant to UAE history and geography, aspects of internal and external policy, aspects of the social systems, social human development and citizen's developmental role & social responsibility, women empowerment and its role in the society services delivered by the State, and the country tendency to sustainable energy, economic development, developmental indicators and the country standing in the global competitiveness. The course also explores the visions of the federal government 2021 and Abu Dhabi 2030, in addition to the future issues of the developmental strategic plans and challenges facing them.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Express their belonging to their homeland and reveal their appreciation of the country's achievements.
- Explore the central social aspects in the UAE society.
- Appreciate the role of the leadership in the building of the country and achieving comprehensive development on the social, economic, cultural and political levels.
- Appreciate the role of the Emirati citizens in the development process as the active partners and major players in the construction of the present and the future.
- Demonstrate the development process on all levels and explain the role of the state in supporting this policy.
- Analyze the UAE's demographic structure and aspects inherent in the social stability of the country and their impact on the local society.
- Illuminate the role of the legislative, executive and Judiciary authorities in the country and the key contributions of government administration.
- Underline the pioneering role of the country on the international arena and identify its contributions in the light of global development and competiveness indicators.
Scientific Research Skills (HSS110)
The course is designed mainly to promote students? scientific research skills. This goal is achieved by providing students with information about the basic characteristics of science and its relationship to knowledge. Additionally, the course highlights research methodology, types, and scientific research steps. These steps include identifying the problem or the research topic, formulating assumptions or hypotheses, reviewing literature, collecting and analyzing data, and reporting findings
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare Between The Different Types Of Data Collecting Tools With Emphasis On Its Psychometric Properties.
- Conduct A Scientific Research Project And Present It To The Class Students.
- Differentiate Among Descriptive, Correlational, Experimental, Quasi-Experimental, And Non-Experimental Research Designs
- Distinguish Among The Different Types Of Samples With Examples
- Explain The Steps For Conducting A Scientific Research Project With Examples.
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