Department Course
Engineering Ethics (GENG215)
This course introduces students to Engineering Ethics, as a set of moral principles that relate to Engineering projects and designs. The course explores creative ways of reconciling conflicting moral claims. It outlines the responsibilities of Engineers towards public safety and the environment, within economic constraints and governing laws. A systematic Engineering Design process is introduced. Each design stage explores relevant methods and their ethical implications. The course critically examines litigations that involve the engineering profession in relation to product liability.
Credit Hours : 2
- ESPU107 with a minimum grade D or ESPU102 with a minimum grade D or ESPU1014 with a minimum grade D or ESPU103 with a minimum grade D or ESPU104 with a minimum grade D or ESPU1081 with a minimum grade D or ESPU106 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify ethical and professional issues pertaining to personal integrity, and professional conduct pertaining to the society and the environment.
- Recognize an engineering ethical dilemma and apply a systematic process of moral and ethical reasoning to resolve it.
- Analyze several moral theories and principles (e.g., utilitarianism, duty ethics, virtue ethics, and religious ethics) and apply them to the examination of ethical issues in engineering.
- Analyze case studies of conflict in Engineering and make choices based on engineering ethics codes and apply one to the resolution of an ethical dilemma.
- Identify the value of teamwork and multi-discipline work in relation to types and scales of projects, through assignments and group projects.
- Apply the design process using systematic design methods, and identify the related professional responsibilities and ethical issues.
Engineering Thermodynamics (GENG220)
Thermo-physical properties of pure substances and gases. 1st law of thermodynamics, conservation of energy, and closed and open systems. Limitations and efficiencies of energy conversion processes. Introduction to the 2nd law of thermodynamics and entropy. Applications in Engineering.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS105 with a minimum grade D
- Pre/Co PHYS135 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the basic concepts of macroscopic thermodynamics
- Explain the properties of pure substances
- Explain the heat transfer and work interaction between a system and its surroundings
- Apply the first law of thermodynamics for closed and open systems
- Explain and apply the Second law concepts
- Analyze thermodynamic processes and cycles within the conceptual frameworks of the First and Second laws
- Use the “Engineering Equation Solver (EES)” learning tool to solve thermodynamics problems
Computer Programming (GENG230)
Introduction to computing, data types and variables, expressions, selection and repetition control structures, library and user-defined functions, files and streams, arrays, library and user-defined classes, and Artificial Intelligence applications.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use variables to store, retrieve and calculate information
- Write programs by using decision structures, Boolean logic, and repetition structures.
- Construct programs modularly by using functions.
- Use lists to store, search, and sort elements of an array.
- Save and retrieve information from files with exceptions.
- Apply object-oriented programming to describe classes, instances, and inheritance.
- Apply programming tools to solve one of the Artificial Intelligence related problems in different engineering disciplines.
Engineering Economics (GENG315)
Introduction to the basic concepts and principles of engineering economics. Familiarization of the different cost components, cost estimation techniques, cash flow analysis, time value of money, and measures of project performance. Comparing alternatives. Application of engineering practice and entrepreneurship to engineering design and projects.
Credit Hours : 3
- MATH130 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the principles of engineering economy and the engineering economic analysis procedure
- Describe some of the basic cost terminology and concepts used in engineering practice
- Explain the concept of price-demand relationship
- Describe the different techniques used for cost estimation
- Explain the concept of the time value of money
- Evaluate a single project and select among alternative project options
- Explain the concepts of entrepreneurship and discuss different elements of a business plan
PhD Research Seminar (GENG701)
This course offers the students the opportunity to integrate their knowledge, skills, and practical experience with their peers and the course instructor. The course will contribute to the student’s professional development focusing on skills and professional experience. It consists of presentations on current research or applied projects in engineering, informatics, or related fields. The presentations are delivered by the course instructor, registered PhD students, faculty members, or invited speakers.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Prepare and deliver effective presentations describing a recent advancement in engineering, informatics, or related fields.
- Explain knowledge to others through effective presentations and discussions.
- Critique presentations of their peers objectively.
Research Methods (GENG702)
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of research methodologies. It will cover the fundamental concepts of theory and scientific research, literature search and referencing, design and analysis of experiments, problem identification and formulation, research design including experimentation, measurements and sampling, data analysis, and paper and thesis organization. The course also includes proposal presentation, ethical issues in research and the importance of time management and multi-disciplinary research.
Credit Hours : 2
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify relevant literature and produce reports using standard referencing methods.
- Identify research problems and develop appropriate research design.
- Design and carry out experimentation, sampling and measurement procedures to collect data.
- Evaluate and choose research methodologies applicable to problems in a specific field of research.
- Present and discuss research issues, approaches and findings.
- Organize the research and its findings in a paper format.
Optimization Methods for Engineering (GENG710)
This course focuses on the use of numerical search and optimization tools for purposes of conducting advanced technical decision-making. It will provide students with the fundamentals of the theory of optimization. The topics to be covered in this course include: formulation of optimization problems, mathematical modelling, non-gradient and stochastic search techniques, gradient-based optimization algorithms for unconstrained and constrained problems, numerical methods for sensitivity analysis, global optimization and surrogate modelling. A series of practical examples and case studies will complement the course material
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Formulate engineering design problems with various requirements and constraints into optimization problems
- Interpret the results of an optimization calculation in terms of the original practical problem
- Evaluate optimization results by conducting sensitivity analyses, and exploring cost functions, and figures of merit
- Differentiate between different optimization techniques and assess their pros and cons
- Identify multi-objective optimization problems including the conditions for optimality
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