Phishing scams are email designed that can lead to identity theft by stealing a person’s sensitive information, including account ID, password, bank detail and credit card numbers. It
can also pose a risk to the University by providing access to the internal resources. DoIT is currently working to make our email Gateway less vulnerable to these kind of attacks and
keep email users safe. However UAE University community can identify phishing scams and report email scams if they occur.
If you think, you may have fallen
for a phishing scam and provided
information about UAEU or your
UAEU accounts, immediately contact
us at:
Helpdesk Support:
Telephone: 713 6111,
email: yourself from Phishing Scams
Important Notes :
NEVER provide your password to anyone, UAEU will never ask for users to provide their password via email.
NEVER respond to emails that request personal and financial information.
NEVER open corporate web access mail pages by clicking on links included in emails
Always report suspicious activity to