Maqam-3 Female Hostel Network
Upgrade Project
The development of wireless communication has changed the way of today’s human. Where
a cellular phone is a common device that many users carry with them. Today, a phone is
doing much more than a wired computer that is placed in a corner. Use of UAEU’s Wireless
network has been an essential mode of accessing the university resources. Users are
increasing and the connected number is getting higher and higher. Wi-Fi is the
backbone of any network of today due to its readiness and mobility. Wireless has
made it easier to perform your day to day activities over the fly. Specially, within
the university’s environment wireless has overcome the communication gap
between a teacher and a student. To provide the best of the best service
by implementing the high-end devices, UAEU has recently upgraded the
wired and wireless network of Maqam-3 girls hostel. The new upgrade
provides high data bandwidth and wider network coverage throughout
the hostel. Considering the user requirement, the outdoor wireless
coverage is also provided. New wireless is based on the latest
technology that supports above 300Mbps bandwidth per user.
In addition to this, all the wired network devices are also
upgraded to meet the requirements. Users can access their
assignments and other resources wherever they move. In
today’s time the mobility is a key factor for a user to get
connected. The new wireless infrastructure is based on
the latest and highest tech with greater throughput
and reliability.