Students can request to change their enrolled college through eServices and UAEU mobile App. Admission and Registration Department does initial
review and assessment of the request. The department also checks if the student meets the general requirement for college transfer. Admissions
& Registration department may reject the request and the process ends there. If Admissions & Registration department approves the request, it
goes to college level review and assessment. The college advising unit checks the eligibility and if the student meet the transfer requirements of
the college. Once the advising unit approves the request, it comes back to Admission & Registration department for final review and update the
student information in Banner. Notification of the decision is sent to the student.
For the employees side few enhancements added to the INB form
The following are the recent enhancements done:
1. Gender and college have been added to the clearance form for each employee.
2. Add “college”, ”level”, “student ID” and status to relevant form.
3. Add rejected and in progress status and reason field for department and college decision.
4. Enable Extract data on relevant form.
5. Add “college”, ”level” and “gender” as search on relevant form.
6. Display ‘request type’ as code on relevant form.
1. New Form has been developed to update the status of the college transfer request.
2. Currently, the college cannot process or take action until both choices processed at Admissions & Registration department level. The new process will separate action Approvals
of the two choices. If there are two choices and one of them is approved the college for the approved request can take action without waiting for the other decision. The college
can take action on the request. The overall status of the application will remain “RRR - Ready for review by registration Dep” and the status of the college who have taken action
would be “PCL - Under Review by Colleges”. When both actions taken, the overall status will change to “PCL - Under Review by Colleges” and each college level status will be “PCL -
Under Review by Colleges”.
a. Remove the male and female hostel students from Al Ain gate clearance
b. Remove undergraduate student from health services clearance
c. Create housing clearance if the student has a room assigned in the same term
5. Display a confirmation message after submitting the request
6. Set up the clearance for the students
College Transfer