Newsletter_Issue13_Website - page 20

Next-generation Security Platform helps UAEU to deploy new technologies without compromising
security or network bandwidth. It allows us to:
Unify security policy and enforcement capabilities across the internet.
Detect, analyze and prevent both known and unknown threats from one consolidated security
platform (IPS/IDS, URL filtering, anti-malware, anti-virus and threat intelligence).
Improve threat and overall network visibility through rick, granular reporting that highlights
usage patterns and potential security gaps.
Give access to users with customizable security permission that comply with ISO 27001:2013
thus allowing more control over the applications, content and users on the network.
Integrate the Next-Generation Firewall seamlessly into the existing network, including the
Radius Server access which the UAEU uses to allow wireless access to staff and students.
Map userid-based behaviour against policy.
View network bandwidth and applications consumed by each and every user, thanks to NG-
Firewall User-ID technology.
How UAEU Benefits from NG-Firewall
To address these challenges and effectively secure UAEU networks, a disruptive and comprehensive
approach - a platform approach - is necessary. Next Generation Security Platform eliminates the
complexities involved in point products - Firewall, IPS, IDS, URL Filtering, antivirus, and many more.
The NG-Firewall, with its innovative layer-7 (Application layer) classification engine, not only
provides granular traffic visibility and reduces the attack footprint but It also further secures the
allowed traffic by natively blocking known threats such as exploits, virus and spyware.
The threat intelligence analyzes and correlates intelligence from all platform security functions URL
filtering, IPS/threat prevention and the virtual execution engine.
Comprehensive Security with integrating on NG-Firewall and
Threat Intelligence:
By Sajid Ali
19 |
December 2015
UITS Newsletter
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