Newsletter_Issue13_Website - page 28

Electronic Document Services
Electronic document services available to UAEU community and administrative units
UAEU initiatives for a paperless
community is bearing fruit
The electronic document
initiative has helped UAEU to
dramatically reduce the cost and
the human resources required to
serve the community.
Each year university depart-
ments are migrating and/or
producing an average of 500 GB
worth of electronic documents.
Documents that used to take
3 days to one week are now
instantly delivered to email or
available the next day.
Supporting documents are no
longer required for financial
approval processes as they are
now electronically available and
attached to the ERP.
required for financial approval
processes as they are now
electronically available and
attached to the ERP.
As part of the continuous efforts of UAEU towards a paperless
environment, UITS has again introduced new green initiatives
like the conversion of documents into electronic form. This
service offered to students, staff and faculty is already
bearing fruit as the dramatic reduction in paper usage, visits
to administrative offices, and the resources required to
provide paper documents suggest.
A number of document services which used to take time and
resources are now available as self-services to both current
students and alumni. These include:
These services are available through the University portal as
well as from UAEU Mobile app. Documents such as standard
letters are directly delivered to students emails as soon as the
request is submitted. Any special documents like transcripts
rquire a short visit to the admin office, upon prior notifica-
tion, for document collection.
Soon, UAEU Alumni will be able to request documents such
as attestations and transcripts electronically, and these will
be delivered to their locations.
Services available to students
Arabic and English Transcripts
ToWhom it may concern letters
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December 2015
UITS Newsletter
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