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Links for internal sharing

Guest links

After signing in, users in

your organisation can edit,

copy, or download the file.

Users outside your organ-

isation are not required

to sign in to edit a file.

However, they may need

to sign in with a Microsoft

account to copy or down-

load the file.

If you choose a link that requires no sign-in and you wish to set the link to expire, click Set

expiration, and then choose how long before the link expires. Links that require Sign in do

not expire, and there is no option to set an expiration for those links.



to copy the link &


it into an email and send it or post it on a website for

the people you wish to share with.

After signing in, users in

your organisation can view,

copy, or download the file.

Again users outside your




required to sign in to view a

file. However, they may need

to sign in with a Microsoft

account to copy or download

the file.

33 |

October 2017

DoIT Newsletter

Nov 22, 2022