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Now what should you do if your mobile device is lost or stolen?

Examples of the tracking software and feature in some of the common mobile devices

Find My Device is a feature that comes with the

Android smartphone via Google store services.

It makes use of GPS or WiFi to assist you to hunt

down your missing mobile device. This feature

allows to call you, wipe the information before it

gets into the wrong hands, configure a new pass-

word and many other controlling settings which

can be invaluable should you misplace your device.

To enable FindMy Device feature: Go to Setting > Goo-

gle > Security. Verify that the “Remotely locate this

device” and “Allow remote lock and erase” options are


• If the lost mobile device was dispensed by your organisation or has work relat-

ed data, you should immediately inform the organisation’s helpdesk, so you’re

not hold accountable in case of misuse.

• Inform your phone provider so that calls cannot be made from your device.

• If any of the tracking software was installed in the device, this facilitates the

wiping process of your mobile’s information remotely. In addition, with such

software your stolen/lost mobile device can easily be located.

• You can restore your information to the newly replaced mobile device by

using the backup feature mentioned earlier.

• Examples of the tracking software and feature in some of the common mobile


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