UAEU Infrastructure upgrade – Phase 4
Figure 1: Cisco Catalyst 9500 series
UAEU upgraded its data center and crescent building in the first two phases of infra-
structure upgrade and later upgrade highly populated C-series Building continuing
UAE University’s promise to deliver ubiquitous, high bandwidth connectivity through-
out the campus. As per university’s plan to continue with the upgrades in phases
keeping in view the advancement in networking technology and the introduction
of features such as internet of things (IoT), 4th generation access protocols, cloud
applications as well as bandwidth hungry gaming application such as Poke’mon go,
all remaining buildings comprising E-series and F-series, G-seres and H-series were
upgraded constituting phase-4 of the upgrade project. This upgrade enables the infra-
structure to meet the exorbitant bandwidth demands and to satisfy the requirement
for ever-present internet connectivity providing a switching backhaul of 40 Gbps, high-
ly resilient, non-blocking state-of-the-art infrastructure. The upshot of this change
would be a higher bandwidth for the end user by reducing the bandwidth contention
ratio and oversubscription on the uplink.
For the campus, Catalyst 9500 40 Gbps switch form the distribution layer while the
Multi-Gigabit Catalyst-3850 constitutes the access layer. The Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series
is the first 100/40-Gbps switch purpose-built for the enterprise campus. It was recently
recognized as CRN’s 2017 Overall Network Product of the Year. Designed for security, the
Internet of Things (IoT), and the cloud, Catalyst 9500 fixed-core switches are high-den-
sity building blocks for a next-generation, intent-based network.
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July 2018
DoIT Newsletter