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Identity Protection

Avoiding scams and hoaxes



Never send credit card or bank information via




Before opening any link given in the email, type

them into the browser to ensure you are opening the

right site.



If you are not sure about the given like or email

ask UAEU IT Help Desk


) or IT

Security Team





Scam and hoax emails are designed to trick user into

disclosing personal information, such as account

detail, passwords etc.



Scam emails are also often used to get your

attention into paying money for fake get-rich-quick

offers, prize or lottery wins etc.



Be careful about emails received from people or

businesses you don’t know, particularly ones that

promise you money.



Remember - Banks never ask for confidential

information via email. So, you should be careful

about email received from banks discussing your

account details etc.



Scammers put a lot of time and money into making

email and website look real. Don’t be fooled.


Jan 29, 2017
Dec 13, 2017
Oct 18, 2022