UITS Annual Report | 2011/2012 | 25
Online Overtime Tracking System
UAEU provides overtime to a specific category of UAEU employees, who have prior approval to work on certain project or task. Overtime
process was little bit complicated; employee were required to fill a manual form, get it signed by manager and then submit to Time sheet
data entry operator in his/her department to enter it in main business application for payment. In coordination with the Secretory General
division, the UITS has developed new web-based overtime system.
The new online Overtime system made all these processes very fast and simple. Overtime Submission, approval and payment could be
done online within seconds. System allows UAEU employees to easily submit and track their overtime requests. In addition, the new service
eases the process of managing and tracking of overtime hours and payments for both Human Resources and Finance departments as it
integrated with the university enterprise systems. The new Overtime system keeps all information of Time sheets entry, approval, and
payment which could be then used for reporting purposes.