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Wafa Al Dhaheri
Art &
We need to express what we have of
In the course of life and generous giving, there are stations where a person
stops for a while to review what he has passed through or just to have
some rest to re-strengthen himself and continue the process of achieving
his goals in the world of success and distinction. Behind the success of
every one there is a story which is full of experience and wisdom that is
worthwhile so as to enlighten the path of others.
Today, we meet Wafa Al Dhaheri, the commentator of the Emirates News
bulletin in Sama Dubai TV.
Success Story
“You are the keepers
of people’s minds
and hearts so be up
to responsibility and
be torches of light
and love�?
1. Year of graduation and
B.M in Media – Major Radio & TV,
2.What was your ambition during
the years of study and to what
extent it conformed with your
current work ?
My dreams went round TV
presentation. Since I was a child, I
used to follow up commentators
in the Arab and foreign channels,
and I dreamt of having the same
experience. I thank God that my
commencement after graduation
was in the same feld. I worked in
Sama Dubai TV since its launching
challenging some difcult
circumstances and fully satisfed
with the Arabic saying “the people
of Mecca know the twists “in the
sense that we will enter the house of
each national family
received by warm
welcome and this is
exactly what happened.
Woman’s engagement in
the feld of media was warmly
welcomed by the local community.
3.What is your vision about the
reality of working in the media in
the UAE ?
The reality of work in the Emirati
media is in confusion. We regret to
say that many media establishments
in the Gulf region preferred the
commercial side to the professional
one and so the obsession of proft
dominates the other important
issues related to media product.
I think one of the basic steps in
the reform project is to reform the
status of the visible and printed
media by giving this part wider
space of responsible freedom.
Media shall be the citizen’s
watchful eye which observes
areas of shortage and corruption.
Corruption is reduced where there is
independent and honest media and
therefore the community strength
and unity increases. As journalists,
we have to be aware of glitches
among us and of areas of facts of
default in our performance. Some of
us do not realize the responsibility
September 2011
September 2011
Jul 21, 2012
Jul 13, 2022