Transfer of Credits
A student may transfer credits earned at UAEU or another institution recognized by the UAE Ministry of Higher Education
and Scientific Research. Credits may be transferred only between programs at the same level (e.g. Master to Master)
provided the credits were earned within the preceding six years. A maximum of nine graduate credits with a grade
of B or higher in each course can be transferred to a program, provided the student’s cumulative GPA at the source
institution is 3.0 or higher. All transfers must be initiated at the time of admission. Additional conditions, e.g. English Test
Score requirement, apply. Check the full details on “Transfer of Credits” in the Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures.
Change of Major
Changing majors at the graduate level is generally discouraged, since degree programs have different academic
requirements for admissions. However, a student may be permitted to switch from one degree program to another
provided the twomajors are in the same college and the student meets the admission requirements of the new program.
A “Request to Change Major” must be submitted for approval. If a student’s request to change major is approved, the
new major becomes effective the following semester and all applicable credits already taken will count towards the
requirements of the new major. If a student desires to switch to a new program in a different college, then the student
must submit a “Request to Transfer Between Colleges” or submit a new application for admission into the new program.
Students in research-based degree programs have special requirements that they need to complete at different stages
of their journey towards the degree. Such requirements may include passing a comprehensive examination, preparing
a research proposal, and preparing and defending a thesis or dissertation. Students in such programs should seek
additional details from their Program Coordinators.
Comprehensive Examination
Comprehensive Examinations are required in all Doctorate programs. A Comprehensive Examination (CE) may be oral,
written or both. It is designed to evaluate the breadth and depth of the student’s knowledge of his/her discipline as well
as the student’s scholarly potential. A student must be in Good Academic Standing after taking the required course
work in order to take the CE. Students must register for the CE during the course registration period of the semester
in which they plan to take the CE. Each student is allowed two take the CE a maximum of two times. Failure to pass
the CE after the second attempt will lead to the student’s dismissal from the program and the university. Students are
advised to check with their Program Coordinators for guidelines and rules and regulations concerning the offering of
the CE in their programs.