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Steps Leading to Graduation for Students with Theses/Dissertations

The following are detailed steps leading to graduation for students with theses/dissertations in their final semester:

1. Assuming that the student has written a significant part of the thesis/dissertation, the student meets with his/her advisor

and assesses progress and the status of completing all degree requirements, and decides to prepare for graduation.

[In the first 4 weeks of the semester]

2. Student submits an application to graduate by applying for the degree via e-Services early in the semester.

3. Student submits a complete draft of the thesis/dissertation to the advisor for review by the Examination Committee.

Thesis/Dissertation must meet all requirements in the “Thesis and Dissertation Preparation Guidelines” document.

4. If the student is ‘cleared’ for the defense by the Examination Committee then the student begins to prepare for the

oral examination of the thesis/dissertation to be held on a date agreed upon previously with advisor. Otherwise, the

advisor provides the student with the Committee’s feedback/comments on the thesis/dissertation and the student

works with the advisor on addressing the review comments.

5. Student confirms defense date with the advisor and begins to prepare the defense presentation.

6. Student reviews draft of defense presentation with the advisor and rehearses it in preparation for the defense.

7. Student defends thesis/dissertation before the Committee in a public session followed by a closed session with the


8. If the Committee’s decision is that the dissertation is “Accepted” or “Accepted with minor revisions”, then the student

obtains the original signature of the External Examiner on at least six (6) different copies of the Examining Committee

Approval Page. See the applicable Appendix of the Thesis/Dissertation Guidelines.

9. If the Committee’s decision is “Accepted with minor revisions”, then the student obtains the modifications requested

by the Committee from the advisor and makes the necessary revisions, and submits a revised copy of the thesis/

dissertation to the advisor for review.

10. Upon the advisor’s approval of the thesis/dissertation, the student submits the complete final draft in hard copy,

spiral-bound format to the College of Graduate Studies (CGS) for a final (format) review. [Within 7 working days of

defense date]

Oct 13, 2016
Dec 13, 2017
Oct 5, 2022